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Are You A Good Person? (Pack of 50)
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Are You A Good Person Tract (Pack of 50)
Are You A Good Person? (Pack of 50)
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Tract Text:
Narrator: Meet Mr. Nice Guy. If good people go to heaven, he will be the first in line.
Mr. Nice Guy: Well... I try to do whats right.
Narrator: Have you kept the Ten Commandments?
MNG: Pretty much.
Narrator: Really? Do you mind if we look at them?
MNG: Ummm... all right.
Narrator: Have you ever told a lie?
MNG: Yeah, who hasn't?
Narrator: What do you call someone who lies?
MNG: A liar.
Narrator: Have you ever stolen anything?
MNG: Nope.
Narrator: But you just told me you're a liar...
MNG: Hmph. Well, I did steal some candy once as a kid.
Narrator: What do you call someone who steals?
MNG: A thief.
Narrator: Have you ever looked at someone with lust?
MNG: Of course.
Narrator: Jesus said, "Whoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:28)
Narrator: Have you ever used God's name to curse?
MNG: #$%@$! Watch it moron!
Narrator: That's called blasphemy. "the lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." (Exodus 20:7).
Narrator: By your own admission you're a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart. And that's just four of the Ten Commandments.
MNG: OK, so I'm not perfect.
Narrator: Actually, its worse than that... sin isn't just doing things we shouldn't. It's also not doing the things we should.
Narrator: "Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (James 4:17).
Narrator: There's more... suppose we could put a device in your brain that would record all your private thoughts for a week... and then play them on a movie screen for your friends and family to see.
MNG: that would be embarrassing!
Narrator: "God knows the secrets of the heart" (Psalm 44:21).
MNG: Well... compared to some people I'm a saint!
Narrator: True, but the standard is God's law, not other people.
Narrator: Besides, even if you sin just five times a day...
Narrator: in one year, that's 1,825 sins! if you live to be seventy, you'll have broken God's Law over 127,000 times!
Narrator: You'll have to answer for every sin on judgment day, when "each of us will give and account of himself to God." (Romans 14:12)
MNG: But won't God just forgive me?
Narrator: Try that in court.
MNG: "I know I keep breaking the law but can't you just let it slide?"
Narrator: Only a corrupt judge would do that. A good judge would say, "Justice demands that you pay for your crimes."
Narrator: God is a holy, righteous judge. He hates sin! Jesus warned that God, in his wrath, will cast all who sin against him into eternal fire "where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth". (Matthew 13:42)
MNG: 'Gulp'. Then how can anyone get to heaven?
Narrator: There's only one way... If a sinless person offered to take your punishment, then justice would be served and you could go free!
Narrator: God loves sinners so much, he sent his son Jesus to suffer and die for your sins.
Narrator: Then, he rose from the grave -- defeating death!
Narrator: You can't earn eternal life. It is God's gift to all who humble themselves and come to Jesus. "Turn to God in repentance and have faith in the Lord Jesus" (Acts 20:21). He will forgive your sins and give you a new heart! "If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation!" (2 Corinthian 5:17).
Narrator: Then read the Bible and obey it. Find a good church to help you grow and tell others the GOOD NEWS!
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5/5 rating
An Outstanding Tract
This is the best tract that I have ever come across. Certainly it is in cartoon style, but I have never known a person to throw this tract away. I have never given this tract to a person who has not read it. I have given it to waitresses at restaurants and seen them share it will the busboy and the person at the cash register. The presentation of the gospel in this tract is excellent as it uses the ten commandments to move into the message of salvation. I have given out hundreds of these tracts. I use them at Halloween and the kids come and ask for additional copies. On a recent mission trip to Peru I ordered the tract in Spanish. I stood outside of the hotel saying "regalo (gift)" and had people actually line up to receive a tract. Thank you for this wonderful tract that has touched so many hearts. We must become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. And with its "childish appeal" it has attracted so many. God bless you!
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Reviewed by:
(Verified Buyer)
John Coleman
from Knoxville, Tennessee on 9/4/2013
5/5 rating
Great Tract
There are so many people today who think they are going to Heaven because they are a good person. I bought these to put into Christmas cards last year. Everyone got one (even my Christian friends and relatives, because I didn't want anyone to feel like they were targeted). Tracts are an easy and effective way to get God's Good News out. You can leave them anywhere.
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Reviewed by:
(Verified Buyer)
Linda Pharis
from Southern California on 8/18/2017
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