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Tract Text:
A Gift to Man: God’s word says: “For by Grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself, It is the Gift of God; not of works lest anyone should boast” (Eph 2:8). That is, anyone who thinks they can offer any good deeds or efforts to gain favor with God is sadly mistaken. The only acceptable work that God will ever accept (to be right with Him) is the work accomplished by Jesus Christ His Son. God sent His Son born of a virgin who’se fully God-Man; lived a perfect sinless life (fulfilling all righteousness) of 33yrs, was tempted in all points as we are yet was found without sin. On His own volition went to a tree to give His life as a ransom for many. Bore in His body the punishment, which should of fallen on our heads, Christ stood as our willing substitute and then God crushed Him under the full fury of His wrath for sin--"The just for the unjust” On the Cross, Jesus declares: “It is finished”--meaning that He accomplished the work and satisfied the justice of His Father--atoning for all the sins of His people. Christ dies, is buried and rose again for our justification (which is the sinners right standing with God). This is the work when you repent and believe in Jesus that God applies to you--So then we become the righteousness of God in Christ and have the Holiness required to enter Heaven. Have you received this gift of grace? Plead with God for mercy that He might grant you this gift of Eternal life through the saving faith offered in the person and work of Christ.
A Gift to the Son: When we think of Salvation, we tend think of what Christ has done on the Cross to redeem sinners who would believe in Him. This is certainly true, but not primarily so, as the perfect love within the Godhead precedes anything we might receive. The plan of salvation begins in Eternity past with the love of God displayed in God the Father deciding to give a Love Gift (a redeemed people) to the Son Jesus Christ, the Son then goes and pays the price (for the love of His Father) to redeem His people and the Holy Spirit applies the redemption to the elect. The gift doesn’t begin with mankind but rather is the outflowing of love originating between the Father, Son and Spirit. The language we so often hear today is “God loved you so much..”(man-centered). Surely, we’re the beneficiary of this love--knowing God so loved the world that He sent His only Son that the believing sinner would have Everlasting life. However, this love began before the foundation of the world and the expression of that is manifested toward us, that we who believe might live through Christ (1 John 4:9). We’re as much of a gift given to the Son by the Father as are we who receive the gift of Eternal life by God’s grace.