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Tract Text:
Simply liking football doesn’t make you an NFL athlete. Merely liking Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian! Jesus Christ said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. (John 10:27) If you’re not following Jesus as your greatest Treasure and Hope, you’re not even in the game!
True followers of Jesus know they have no hope apart from Him. The Bible teaches that every person has a sin debt they cannot pay. God’s righteousness, holiness, and uncompromising justice demands flawless obedience to Him in thought, word, and deed! Any failure to obey is called sin. Some examples are lying, stealing, and misusing God’s holy name. Even pridefully putting yourself above others (James 2:8, 4:6), or harboring thoughts of anger or lust places you deeper in debt! (Matthew 5:22,27-28) Divine justice requires the eternal condemnation of sinners in a dreadful place the Bible calls Hell. (Matthew 25:46, Revelation 21:8)
But the payment God demands, He Himself provides! The Father lovingly sent His Son Jesus—who is both truly God and truly man—that He might cancel the sin debt you owe! Jesus alone fulfilled God’s standard of perfection by living a sinless life (Hebrews 4:15). Yet, Jesus willingly suffered and died on the cross as a substitute, receiving the just punishment sinners deserve for their sins against a holy God (Colossians 2:13-14). He defeated sin and death by rising from the grave alive! (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)
You may never throw a touchdown pass in the NFL, but you can become a true follower of Jesus as God grants you repentance (a change of heart/mind/desires) and faith in His beloved Son. Repent of your sin and believe in this good news of salvation by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone! (Mark 1:15) Get in the game that matters!