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This tract was written by our good friend Michael Coughlin,
Tract Text:
Dear friend,
You don’t know me, but we share so much in common. We are each human; that fact alone implies so much shared experience. We both know what it is to laugh, to love, to be hungry or to be angry…and we both have a sense of our own mortality. We must each consider the “afterlife.” I hope you sense some urgency which will cause you to be honest with yourself and to desire truth! Your eternity depends upon it!
The Bible is clear that God in Heaven is holy, righteous and in
need of nothing from man. We have disobeyed God’s righteous laws and, because of His great love for goodness, He is right-
fully angry with us. We have all sinned and fallen short of His standards. Lying, cheating, stealing, lusting or hating someone without cause are a few examples of common sins. I implore you to honestly look at yourself and admit you’ve sinned against our perfect God!
You are not alone in your sin, my friend, but the common rebellion we share against God doesn’t help us. God’s punishment for sin is ETERNITY in a lake of fire. Since God needs nothing, there is nothing we can do to make up for (or pay for) our sins. But God, who is rich in mercy, provided a way for sinners like you and me to be forgiven! God the Father sent His Only Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for sinners. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, suffered and died on a cross, was buried and rose 3 days later according to the Scripture. He defeated the grave! You and I will also taste death so it would be utter foolishness not to look to the only man who ever conquered it. If you will repent of your sin and trust the righteousness of Christ instead of your own righteousness, God will grant you eternal life and forgive you of all your sins. This is called grace, and God offers it as a free gift because of His kindness and mercy. Humble yourself before the Lord today! I beg you to read and obey the Bible. Jesus Christ is the only hope for sinners; do not put your faith in yourself or any man, but in the God who became man, Jesus.
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