Which Gospel Have You Believed?
“Just Accept Jesus (Into Your Heart)”
“Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me”
Do you imagine that the Gospel is magnified or God is Glorified by going to people and telling them that “You’ll be saved at this moment by “Accepting Christ as your personal Savior? While they are whetted to their Idols and their hearts still in love with their Sin (John 3:19) ? If you do so, You tell them a lie, Pervert the Gospel, Insult Christ and turn the Grace of God into lasciviousness (Jude 1:4). In Essence, You further Satan’s cause of perverting God’s word, cut yourself off from truth (Jeremiah 7:28) and populate Hell!
God told the Prophet Ezekiel--"Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them? (Ezekiel 14:3) The Evangelism of our day is superficial to the last degree; It is Radically defective; Its utterly lacking of a foundation to base an Appeal & Need for sinners to come to Christ. It’s an unbalanced approach (All love, no holiness or wrath..) without including that which God has given for the purpose of coming to the knowledge of Sin (Romans 3:20). And only by the preaching of the Truth about Sin can we be convicted by the Holy Spirit (John 16:8) There needs to be a dark background alone that the Gospel can effectually shine forth.
Satan’s Agenda in the Cosmos
The positive messages of the Chief Jack Evangelist of this day is nothing but a throwing of dust in the eyes of the sinner--his soul is put to sleep by the devil’s opiates ministered in a most unsuspecting form. Those who receive this message that’s given out from most of the evangelical pulpits are being fatally/eternally deceived. There’s a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death (Proverbs 14:12). It is a failure at this point for those shotty & worthless messages of this rush-ahead age (Studies of Saving Faith, Pink-1937)
Christ’s Real Invitation
The Invitation that Jesus gave throughout His Ministry to become a Christian is to deny yourself (everyday), take up your cross (willing to die), and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The most difficult part is to Deny ourselves--All that our fallen flesh longs for, our dreams, desires and cravings. Its an abandoning of everything for Christ; Knowing that we have No Righteousness of own (Matthew 5:6) but to wholly lean on Jesus. It’s a forsaking of all for the pearl of great price. It’s not a Get (a better life, etc) but a Give our ourselves. Jesus told one of His followers one day when asked “Lord, are there just a few who are being Saved? He responded “Strive (to agonize) to enter by the narrow gate; for many will seek to enter and will not be able (Luke 13:23-24). As the Apostle Peter put it: “It is with difficulty that the righteous is saved (1 Peter 4:18). If you want to come into the kingdom & be a follower of Christ, It may cost you everything (even your life)..but you need to be willing--Thats the price.
*The Gospel Scandal of “Accepting Jesus” into their heart, that he died for them and all is needed is to invite Him in is a common and unbiblical phrase suited to a diluted gospel. Those people who hold this position discard the evangelistic intent of virtually every recorded invitation Jesus gave...no distinction has done so much to undermine the authority and the accuracy of Jesus' evangelistic message. Everything that takes that side strips Jesus of the evangelistic intent of what He says (Necessary Components of Saving Faith, MacArthur 2001)
The True Gospel shows us how unsparingly God deals with Sin and Christ’s Cross at Calvary supplied the most solemn & awe-inspiring display of God’s hatred of Sin that time and eternity will ever furnish. On that tree, Christ bore our Sin & His Father turned His face from Him; For it pleased the Father to crush His Son under the full force of all His holy just hatred against evil--For He has made Him to be Sin for us, who knew No Sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21, Isaiah 53:10).
What Shall You Have Me To Do?
• Know we are Born Sinners in Route to Eternal Punishment because of our Sins, all of Us!
• Only the Sinners (in this life) who are forgiven of their Sins will Escape Hell & Receive Eternal life as a gift
• And you become forgiven by Believing and putting you faith savingly in the Lord Jesus Christ
• You must possess an attitude of Repentance and Sorrow over Sin crying out like the Publican “God, be merciful to me the Sinner” (Luke 18:13). Confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” & believe in your heart—The full story of Christ—Which was validated by the Resurrection from the dead on the 3rd day. Knowing, no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3)
Let us look to Romans 4:5, To him who works not, but believes on Him that justifies the Ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. In the end, If you repent & believe (unto a life of submissive obedience to Christ), you’ll be saved forever from your sins & its consequences. If you don’t believe this way & reject Jesus Christ, you will die in your sins & be eternally punished for your rejection (John 8:24)
"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).