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Custom Tract - Which List Are You On? (Christmas Tract)
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Custom Tract - Which List Are You On? (Christmas Tract)
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Tract Text:
He's making a list, he's checking it twice... he's gonna find out who's
or nice! If Santa used God’s
Ten Commandments
for his standard, how would you do? Have you ever lied? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Have you always obeyed your parents?
The Commandments
show us how bad we really are, and the standard that we will be tested by when we die. Forget about Santa for a moment... how will you do on Judgment Day? On that day, God will punish all people who have broken any of the
Ten Commandments
. They will be sent to a place called "Hell" - a really bad place where you don't want to go.
Even though that's a scary thought, there is
Although we have lied, stolen things, and disobeyed our parents (any of these done even once means we have broken the
Ten Commandments
), there is hope! God in His mercy and love made a way for sinners like you and I to be forgiven before
Judgment Day
so you don't have to be punished! God sent His son Jesus Christ down to earth. He lived a perfect life. Then He died on a cross for our sins, taking the
we deserve. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death! The Bible says you should put your faith in what Jesus did on the cross - stop believing that being "good" will get you to heaven! The Bible says that God will give you a new heart that will want to obey Him and do what He wants you to do. He will help you stop doing the things that displease Him. Then get out your Bible, read it every day and
what you read.
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