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Custom Tract - Your Day in Court
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Tract Text:
How to Beat the System
Trevante wanted to be his own man and in control of his own destiny. Sounds good right, but was Trevante really in control? No, he was being controlled by his HATE toward his parents. He was being controlled by his need to be accepted by his friends. The next thing he knew he has making the really bad decision to do drugs and alcohol. Where are our friends when we are sitting in drug court? Does this sound anything like you?
I met Trevante in Juvenile Drug Court. Trevante wanted control yet in reality gave up his control to the court. Do you want to beat the system and be your own person? Then do what is right. There is no law against that. Then you'll be in control. Who wouldn't want that? No guilt or shame?
It's easy to be angry at people who let us down. Bottom line...don't let your anger control you. Look at the situation you're in right now as an opportunity to change. You're the one in control of how you react to people and circumstances. Stop the anger and stop the hate. Your life depends on it.
Your Life Depends on It
There's an even higher court than any court here on earth. There's going to be a day when each of us will stand before God to give an account of how we lived our lives according to The Ten Commandments. Here are a few of them. Have you: Put God first above anything else? Ever used God's name as a cuss word? Ever disrespected your parents? Ever hated anyone? Ever stolen, lied or wanted something that wasn't yours? Ever looked at someone with a sexual thought? The moment of truth.
Broken any Commandments? Are you guilty? Guilty means separation from a perfectly holy and righteous God and eternity in hell. But God is rich in mercy, slow to anger and loves you more than you could ever imagine. You deserve hell, but God provided the One and Only Way out of hell through His Son, Jesus Christ. Hell is not just uncomfortable, hell is worse than the human mind can imagine. Jesus was completely innocent, but loved His Father and you so much He was beaten, humiliated, tortured and hung on a cross in OUR place for OUR sin. After three days Jesus rose from the grave defeated death and is The Only Way you and I can get to heaven. You owed your life, He paid the debt.
What do You Need to Do?
So what do you have to do to receive this gift? Well it's free just receive it. The Bible says, if you seek God with all your heart you WILL find Him. That is a promise from God Himself. You might be thinking, this is someone's opinion, how do you really know if this is the truth? Seek God with all your heart and you will see. The fact is, you don't know what you don't know. Turn from your ways and ideas. This may all be new to you. Maybe you've heard about Jesus before but never truly understood what He was all about. How has life been going for you so far? Are you ready to turn your life around? Seek Him! Surrender to God and live with Him forever in Heaven.
He knows all about you so admit you're a sinner and ask God to forgive you. Turn from sin and trust in Jesus as if you were jumping from a plane, jump from the plane and trust the parachute with your life. Ask God to change your heart to love the things He loves and hate the things He hates. Read your Bible daily, it's the only way to know God's heart (start in John). Love God by obeying Him. Seek God with ALL your heart and you WILL find Him.
If you want to talk, pray or need a Bible, please ask one of the spiritual counselors. We are here for you. We love you and believe in you. God bless.
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