A MILLION DOLLAR Chance Imagine you were given the chance to win a MILLION DOLLARS on a very popular game show. Would you give it a try? Now, what if that game show was played before EVERYONE in the world? What if, on the show, you were forced to tell the TRUTH to twenty one questions that they asked you ANY questions they asked you. Still interested?
THE QUESTIONSImagine if they asked you questions like:
Have you told lies in your life? How would you feel about answering that? Now imagine the game show had the ability to display EVERY lie that you ever told Keep in mind that ALL THE WORLD is watching *including* the very people you lied to Still an easy question to answer? Have there been people that have been hurt because you have lied to them or about them?
Have you ever stolen anything? Have you taken *anything* that belonged to someone else? Think honestly about this one. Remember, all the people watching KNOW what youve stolen. INCLUDING those you stole the things from. What if you had to take back EVERYTHING youve ever stolen and give it back to the people you took them from?
Have you ever been angry at someone ,thereby committing murder in your heart? What if the whole world could see the thoughts you had toward someone in your rage? What would they see? Are those the kind of thoughts you would want others to see INCLUDING the people you had those thoughts about?
Have you ever lusted after someone in your heart? Again, this seems like a simple answer, since probably everyone on the planet has lusted after someone Again, imagine that they had the ability to show all those thoughts on the game show Imagine those deep, dark thoughts made clear for the ENTIRE world to see. What would your mother think? Your grandmother? Your pastor? Now
What about all the people you lusted after? What would THEY think? Remember, as clear as day, they would be watching ALL the thoughts you had about them when you thought nobody would know How would you feel about that? What if the whole purpose of these questions was to lead to this final question: Are you a good person? Would you, in good conscience, be able to say yes to that question?
REALITY TVYou see, for all of us, this game show will be a reality some day. However, there wont be a chance to win a million dollars. It wont matter anyway, because you will be dead. For EVERY ONE on this planet, there will be a day of judgment. One day you will stand before God, who will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). These questions youve looked at are not just moral questions. They are Gods standard the Ten Commandments. They are what you will be judged by on the Day of Judgment. How will you do on that day? How did you answer those four questions? Keep in mind that God sees EVERYTHING even the things you think nobody knows about.
A BAD Person?What did you answer on that last question Are you a good person? If you are reasonable, you will see that, just like the rest of us, youre *not* a good person, but a bad person in Gods eyes. The Bible says: Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Genesis 6:5). God also said: there is none that does good, no not one (Romans 3:12).
The Bible also says that, just like everyone else, your heart is corrupt: The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). We tell lies because our hearts are corrupt: Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Since your heart is corrupt, you can *never* please God on your own.
What Can You Do?Well, theres nothing you *can* do. In Gods eyes you are a criminal, and you are in debt to Gods Law. God is Just and has to sentence you. He cant just forgive you. Justice demands a punishment to be carried out. The punishment for your crime is severe - an eternity in Hell. So while you cant do anything GOD can do something for you. What you need is a new heart. God says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26). Theres nothing YOU can do to give yourself a new heart GOD must give you one. How do you get this new heart and be in a right relationship with God?
Someone has to take the punishment you deserve in order for you to go free from Gods courtroom. Theres only ONE person who *could* take your punishment God himself. Just over 2,000 years ago God sent His own Son to be that Person. God the Son became a man. He took on human flesh when He was born of a virgin and He was named Jesus. He lived a sinless life where you and I could not. He then SUFFERED the wrath of the Father when He was crucified on the cross. Jesus took Gods wrath that you and I deserve. Only HE could satisfy that wrath Only HE could pay for the sin debt by His death (Romans 6:23). Scripture tells us that without the shedding of blood there is NO forgiveness of sins, and only a perfect substitute could take the sinners place (Leviticus 17:11). God showed He was satisfied (that the debt was paid) by raising Jesus from the dead! He proved His love for you. He died for you so you could receive eternal life. By TRUSTING in what Jesus did for you on the cross is your only hope. No amount of good works, no amount of prayers, and no amount of religious deeds can save you. What you need is for God to save you from Himself.
How To Get Right With GodYou must come to realize your sins in their true state, and how God really sees you. Realize that theres *nothing* in you that can please God. You must ask Christ to forgive you and give you a new heart with new and right desires. Ask God for the Holy Spirit to help you once and for all turn from the things that displease God, so you can obey Him according to Scripture. That is called repentance. Humble yourself, and trust in Christ as your Savior. God will be merciful to you and apply to your account the payment Jesus made for your fine. Your sin debt will be paid for, as God will accept Jesus work on your behalf and now see you as one who has Christs righteousness. Once you repent and trust in Christ, surrender your life to God and live for Him. Find a born again Bible believing Church in your area, and get involved in a discipleship class.
Please talk to God today. Tomorrow is never promised (Proverbs 27:1). 160,000 people die every day, and today you could die. God tells us in scripture that it is appointed for men to die once, but after this comes the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Dont wait another day. Get right with God today, right now. Call out to him and He will save you.
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