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Franklin Million Dollar Bill (Jumbo)
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Jumbo Franklin Million Dollar Bill (Pack of 100)
Franklin Million Dollar Bill (Jumbo)
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Even though this bill may look real, it’s pretty easy to tell that it’s not, once you take a good look at it. It would not be accepted by a bank, no matter what you believed about it, and the same is true with the things of God. God sees the truth about us, no matter how we look to others. He gave us the Ten Commandments to show us if we are really good or bad. God says “You Shall Not Lie.” Have you ever lied to parents, teachers, or cheated on a test? Another commandment says “You Shall Not Steal.” Have you ever stolen anything, even if it’s small? God also says “Honor Your Father and Mother.” Have you ALWAYS obeyed your parents perfectly, in a way that’s pleasing to God?
The Ten commandments show us how bad we really are, and how we need to be clean before Judgment Day. God’s Word (the Bible) tells us that all liars and thieves (people who steal things) are guilty and will go forever to a bad place called Hell. You see, God is perfect, and even a single lie is very bad. However, there is GOOD NEWS!
2,000 years ago, God’s son Jesus came to this earth. He lived His whole life and never even did one bad thing! He took God’s punishment on the cross, paying the penalty for sin. Three days later, He rose from the dead! The Bible says that we must repent and trust in what Jesus did on the cross. We will start to hate the sin that we loved, and we will stop thinking that doing “good” things will get us to heaven. God will give us a new heart, and we will desire to please Him. Look to Jesus, who promises to save those who believe in Him. Then get a Bible and read it every day so you can learn more and more about Jesus!
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