How are we supposed to read the Bible? Does it matter how we read it? Can I interpret it any way I want to? Does what it say even matter? This booklet seeks to answer those questions in a way that is easy to understand. What Does It Mean To Me? Is perfect for liberal Christians, atheists, Muslims, and people who want to interpret the Bible correctly but aren't sure how to do so. It is very important to interpret the Bible correctly. It's the difference between truth and error, life and death, Heaven or Hell. Thank you for taking the time to look at this booklet. Read it and answer the question, "What does it mean?"
Josiah Nichols, author of "When My Ox Gores My Neighbor," has a BA in Bible and Preaching ministry from St. Louis Christian College. He is Pastor of Porterville Congregational Christian Church, with over two years of pastoral ministry experience. He has a passion to share the gospel to the lost and teach Christians how to study God's Word. He loves to study hermeneutics, systematic theology, apologetics, and church history. His one goal in life is to know and love Jesus more, and help others to do the same. Josiah has a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters.